Both press release and blog posts are contents but they have different expectations and different characteristics. They also have different reader communities.

Normally blog readers are looking for lists, summaries and at times actionable content, while press release readers are looking for direct information on a certain company or business. Thus, both play important roles in your digital presence on behalf of building the brand for your company.

A press release can be identified as your trusted, formal spokesman for a company, while a blog is the human face for a certain company, providing readers with tips and pieces of advice.

Both types of content are important to craft different messages to different audiences. Then the question becomes, when do you use what? Of course, you can write your company announcement in a blog post or share tips through a press release, but when do you use what?

The question is not just about what you are trying to convey but rather ask yourself. Do you want this on the news? Then use a press release. Or if you want to send a piece of news from your perspective, it would be better on a blog.

Press releases are more professional and has a standard format. They address the needs of journalists who are constantly looking for a story to write about and they also speak to current and prospective customers. The goal behind writing a press release is giving just the most important facts.  They educate and give interesting information.

A press release is the most powerful tool to create the awareness and attract customers and prospects towards a new brand, product or service. Press releases also can be posted on a company website and if it’s applicable and be sent to local online news sites and event calendars.

Besides expectations, what separates press releases and blog posts are also in terms of format and writing. 3 differences between these two types of content are listed below.


  1. News Vs Information

Press releases share official company “news.” The way it’s delivered is typically pretty conservative. The messaging is formal, tight, and controlled. The goal is to present the most relevant information so that reader can understand more about your new announcement or event as well as your business. Press release readers are always skimming, so it’s best to present your most important announcement first.

When it comes to blogs, they are highly personal. They reflect the blogger’s own experience and strive to connect directly with the reader. It’s mostly like a conversation between close friends.

  1. Formal Vs Conversational

When considering about a blog, it has assumed that first- and second-person tone to make it conversational and relatable. It’s personal as we express our opinions, so go ahead and use I, you, or us to make it an engaging piece of content.

It really differs when it comes to a press release. It’s however not a ‘me or we’ anymore, it’s the company instead. Someone representing their company when writing a news, so it’s essential to structure the messaging in a neutral way that will explain things objectively from an outsider looking in perspective.

  1. Reporters Vs Readers

For press releases, remember that you are writing for the general audience and journalists in particular.

Journalists write in AP (Associated Press) Style. Learn it. When writing a press release, we have to use it. When you make the effort to conform to their standards, it increases your credibility and can improve your standing with this highly influential audience.

Blog posts on the other hand, is more generally geared to your followers, your readers and fans who follow your platforms.

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